Everest and Kea are back at the society. They, and the rest of their litter, are up for adoption now. We wondered if they were part of a larger litter and after spotting the rest of the mountain-based names on the society's adoption page, the question was answered. Kea's picture was hard to snap since she isn't fond of being held. She likes people and is fine being near them on the futon, but doesn't like being picked up. Jon had to sit down instead of holding her up, and then she finally looked at the camera...before jumping off to go play. Kittens!
We did have some good news--all the last litter of kittens have been adopted. Yay! So the only foster of ours left (other than these two who just went up) is Josie. A sweet cat, but she does nip, unfortunately.
If you are thinking about adopting a cat or kitten, the society currently has LOTS to pick from. Stop by!