We had expected to take a couple weeks off from fostering. I had been planning some general foster information posts, but those will have to wait. The shelter had quite a few felines all come up with URIs at once and not enough foster space, so we agreed to take this pair for the week.
They are 6 month old kittens. At that age they are still behaving like kittens but are starting to grow into looking like adult cats.
Tiny Tiffany, who is almost all black but for a few stray white hairs on her chest, is basically healthy. She's being treated and watched because her littermate/cage mate has a bad URI so chances are she does too, just not showing symptoms yet. She is very exploratory, heading out of the crate quickly, onto the futon and soon after up to the top bunk to peer down at us.
Fauna, also basically black but with some tan mottling on the lower chin, is having a rough time. She has a very bad URI, bad enough she's often breathing through her mouth and sounds like she's snoring when she tries to use her nose. On top of that her spay site is swollen and her eyes have discharge. She is a sad little kitten. She came out of the crate, looked around, the curled up in a little ball on the futon. She climbed on Kat's lap when she sat nearby, but in general is just looking pathetically out at us.
We will be monitoring Fauna closely. If she doesn't show clear improvement in the next two days she'll have to go back to the society for more treatment.
Barring that, these kittens will be with us until Sunday.
(While we were at the shelter we said "hi" to Josie. She was glad to see us, but would love it if someone would come take her out of her crate and cuddle her.)
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