Jon & Kat now have a new baby. The end of pregnancy was a bit rough (not horrible, but Kat wasn't comfortable sitting at the keyboard, which is why this wasn't posted then) and now we're trying to learn this entire parenting thing. It would be easier if a full night's sleep was an option.
We do expect to go back to fostering, but we aren't sure how quickly. It will probably be at least a couple months and then on a limited basis--preferences for adult cats with URIs rather than large litters of tiny kittens!
Thank you to everyone who has been reading our attempt at blogging, and when we do start taking cats in again I will post again. Until then we'll stop by the humane society and socialize cats from time to time--I encourage you to do the same.
I leave you with a picture from a little bit ago. Kittens thought it was great that Kat was pregnant--they fit on her belly and it was nice and warm!