Bethany loves toys. She especially loves them if there is a human on the other end. She's learning to enjoy being pet, but she'd really rather play. Her favorite toy is a small stuffed bird with a bell on the end of a bungee string attached to a stick. She'll play with balls and boxes and boxes with stuff in them and Mr. Dot, but she loves that bird.
The bird is also an excellent example of a toy that is good for supervised play only . When we get tired of swinging it around we set it up to hang off a table so she can keep playing with it. Yesterday Jon heard her noise change to a repetitive mewling he hadn't heard from her before. Turning around he discovered she had somehow wrapped the string around her belly, then around her neck....then the stretchy string retracted and she was suspended mostly off the ground. Fortunately the loop around her belly was taking the weight.
He quickly unwound her and she's fine, but if he hadn't been around that could have been unpleasant. It's an excellent toy--I highly suggest whoever adopts her get a toy with a bell on a string--but it's a toy to be played with with humans around only. Leave her the balls for solo play.

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