Boo & Simba finished their sequence of meds yesterday. Usually they'd have been back at the shelter then, but because of scheduling difficulties we have them until Saturday. Their eyes are clear, their nose is clear, and we are all glad to be done with the nasty tasting medicine.
We're not sorry. These guys are really sweet and excellent cats. Whoever raised them as young kittens did a very good job.
We had a lot of people over Thursday night and Sunday and there were many comments about how friendly the cats were. Boo just walks up and flops on the ground belly up for petting. Simba comes over and just purrs.
They get along very well. The short time when Boo was feeling better and Simba wasn't was touchy, as Boo would try to play and Simba wasn't interested. Now that both are feeling better they do play with each other from time to time. They also lay on laps together (and walk over each other on laps) and often eat at the same time.
They are very malleable. We pick them up, flip them over, they mostly don't care. Just purr away that we're holding them. There has been questions if Boo has bones as he rolls over on someone's lap and half falls off, and doesn't care.
Simba has taken to sitting between Jon's arms while he works on the computer. He actually just lays there, so it works out well.
Mr. Dot (the laser pointer) continues to have much interest. They will chase him longer than we are willing to run him. They show no interest in balls or the dangly toys. They sometimes poke at toys in a box, but not usually if there are people around. We just find it drug around the room in the morning.
Simba likes heights. He is often in the window or the upper bunk. Boo is less entranced by heights, but has an impressive jump if he wants to.
That's the current situation. One more post coming, with pictures.