Two new fosters! Six month old kittens--we are not sure if they are littermates or not, the society just said they were friends.
As with most of our fosters, they have a cold. There is also a bit of discharge from the eyes, but not too bad. No separate treatment for the eyes--just the usual dual medications for the URI.
Simba is the small orange kitten. Boo is the larger white one.
Observations so far? They are very soft. They are quite playful. They are skittish about noises--opening the door to the cat room has them backing up and when I came home the front door sent them under the bed. They like people. Boo likes his belly rubbed. Both are amenable to being picked up.
We clipped Simba's nails. Boo's were already clipped, but Simba's were quite sharp. We noticed he stopped trying to scratch everything once they were clipped as well. This is a common change.
Very sweet kittens so far. The next week should be fun.
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