Richard has calmed down considerably. It seems he just needed a couple days to adjust to new surroundings and has shed most of his scardy-catness. He's still a bit suspicious of new people, but warms up quickly.
Today he hid from the cable internet repairman who was checking equipment in the cat room, but only for a few minutes. When family descended he started to run from the first person, but we shook the treat container and he came right out and stayed out. He was fine as the rest of the family showed up and they all came in to see him.
He likes people in the room. He likes attention but he's content to just lay on the sofa or the table behind it as long as people are in the room. If we aren't he's usually by the door of the room waiting for us, howling from time to time.
He spends a lot of time laying on the table next to the window. Today he had a visitor looking back in at him!
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